Thursday Main Academy

Show dates are confirmed. The show will be on the 11th May at Macclesfield Academy. Arrive for 5pm, the children will have a rehearsal on the stage. The show will start at 7.15pm. You can buy tickets using the link below.

Buy tickets

Rehearsal Script and Videos

Matilda Script

The Matilda Script may keep updating as we run through each week. This will be adding more lines and writing the child’s name next to their lines. They can still rehearse at home but they only need to practice what we have covered so far.

I will also update the videos over the next couple of weeks.

School Song Dance

School Song Lyrics

Revolting Children Dance

Revolting Children Lyrics

When I grow up Dance

When I Grow Up Lyrics

Extra Practice

Work on your flexibility with a stretch programme by Sam our dance teacher.

Improve your flexibility.