Summer Showcase 2025

Our Summer Showcase is taking place on the 28th June 2025 at Daneside Theatre in Congleton CW12 1DP. Save the date now to avoid disappointment!!

We need parent helpers to become Chaperones, over the summer would be a great opportunity to complete the training. Follow the link below to start the process. It would be great if we could have another male chaperone as well.

Become a chaperone

More details for our 2025 showcase will be added soon.

Save the Date 28th June 2025

All the information you need is below. Here is a video of me talking through most things below. Please read info below AND listen to the video so you are well informed and hopefully answer all the questions you need to know ready for Saturday. There is also additional information about costumes for each class in a separate link.

The Video of me talking through plans is here and all the information is below.

We are asking that children are dropped off on Saturday for 10am at Daneside Theatre. Our Echo Stars can be dropped off from 12.30pm. Please bring a packed lunch, snacks and plenty of water. Please make sure all snacks DO NOT contain nuts.

We will then need you to collect the children at 2.00pm and bring them back for 5.15pm. Our show will start at 6pm and we hope to be finished for 7.30pm at the latest.

Summer Showcase Tickets-

Since booking our venue the classes have grown and it does mean we are having to restrict tickets to 2 per performer. I am hopeful we can accommodate 3 tickets per performer for those who like more. 

You can use either

 or which is a shortcut to our show.


Have you transferred your £10 sub payment? Information is below! We are asking for a £10 contribution to our show to help towards costumes, staff, venue hire. Please transfer the money to the Echo account and add your child’s name as a reference.

Echo Payment details 

Account name – Lisa Campbell

Account number – 19641774

Sort code – 608371

All children should wear dark leggings and T-shirts so they can quickly add their costumes over the top. The children must bring their costumes with them.

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT COSTUMES. This document will help you oragnise your child’s costume and know what they need to wear HERE

Hair and Make Up- Unless stated otherwise under their class name on the document above, the children need to have their hair done in some sort of plait. This can be 1/2 french plait/s, half up half down plaited, smaller plaits on short hair – anything that is going to stay put and means their hair is out of their face. The children can wear make-up if you they want to. I will leave this up to the parent to sort if they feel they want to wear some. For our Saturday main academy group 3, we may add some black makeup to represent the chimney sweeps.


If any of my Saturday performers didn’t get their costume this week. I am at Festival hall this Tuesday 5pm until 7.15pm if you would like to collect them.

Backstage and Waiting Times

We have plenty of parent helpers and chaperones backstage and we appreciate it is going to be a long day for the children waiting. Please can you pack a book or a colouring book so they have something to focus on while they wait. Please will you speak to the children and about taking the opportunity to use the toilet on breaks and not when they are desperate. Please can you also speak to the children about their behaviour and remind them that all our helpers are giving up their time to help at the show so please be respectful at all times and make sure they clean up all their lunch and rubbish throughout the day. Please can you also speak to your children about their costumes and making sure that once they have finished with the costume it gets put back in their bag. Do not leave clothes lying around.

Where to Park

The car park at the front of Daneside Theatre is small and because of the volume of children taking part the best option is to park in the overflow car park. The first roundabout in Congleton (if you were travelling from Macclesfield) turn left (the first exit). Follow the road to Riverside and there is a carpark there. It is then just a short walk to the venue. I will send images to confirm the parking. Just so you head in the right direction here is the postcode for Screwfix but you do not park in here. You keep following the road round to riverside and drive through the arch. See the video below as it was well hidden, CW12 1DL.

Extra parking video once you have gone passed Screwfix.

Where to drop off and collect your Echo

We will ask you to drop your child in and collect from the stage door. As you look at Daneside Theatre, the stage door is to the right of the building.


We will have an interval during the performance. We will be selling brownies and sweets upstairs. The bar will be open in the main entrance also. The children are not allowed to the front of house during the interval and you will not be allowed backstage during the rehearsal.

Mobile Phones

We ask that not phones are brought to the venue by the children. We are not responsible if they go missing and we won’t have time to look for them if they do go missing. The children will also be sharing their dressing rooms with other children and we have to safeguard everyone and unfortunately mobile phones are a risk due to the camera and taking photos.


Just a reminder, everyone will be coming on stage for our bows, this means the final performance of everyone will be singing Naughty from Matilda. The link to practice is below. There is one option with lyrics and one with just the backing track.

With Lyrics and Vocals

Backing track

Costumes after the show

Please bring all your costumes back in a bag with your child’s name on at the classes next week. We will be ticking the costumes back in as some have gone missing since we did out last show. Please make sure they are in a bag and clearly labelled.


Please bring any medication required in a bag with your child’s name on it. This may include hayfever medication, asthma or allergy kits.

If you do have any questions about the summer showcase please send any questions to and I have a team of staff helping with the running of this show so please send any emails to both email addresses.