Our Industry classes are aimed at children aged 12 to 13, as Echoes progress, the ages for this class will also increase.
The aim for these classes is to give our Echoes a chance to explore the performing arts industry. This will include performing opportunities, live performance such as musical theatre and showcases, performance for camera and TV and opportunities to see other jobs within the arts other than performing.
We will bring in external coaches on occasions for workshops, questions and answer sessions and arrange workshops with performers but also those who work within TV. Some of these opportunities will include and extra charge.
Each term will have a different focus and scheme of work to allow the children to experience the performing arts industry.
The weekly classes will be held on a Saturday morning in Alderley Edge. The classes will include dance, drama and musical theatre experience.
Once your child takes part in any Echo classes, they also have the opportunity to sign up with our casting agency. More information available on our website.